Leading Seaman George Tasker (Signalman) RN en route to Lake Tanganyika and the confrontation with the German Naval forces on the lake. Mr Tasker returned to Abercorn after the First World War and was a well known resident for many years. He is buried in Abercorn Pioneer Cemetery. Photo courtesy Florence Shannon.
The SS Good News lying on the South West coast of Kituta Bay where the German naval forces had shelled her in 1915. Photo taken in the 1950s.
This photo was taken in the afternoon of the 29th January 1908 by German First Lieutenant Paul Graetz. It shows the German steamer "Hedwig von Wissman" in Kituta Bay. Graetz had just unloaded the automobile in which made his historic trip from central Tanganyika to German South West Africa, now Namibia. Correction courtesy Holger Kotthaus