The Main Residence at Lunzua Agricutluaa Station, Abercorn in the 1950s.
This high roofed house was built by Unwin Moffat when the station moved from The Gardens on the Lucheche Stream to a site about 14 mile down the Kasama Road. The Station later became a staff training centre and was the first home of the Outward Bound School that later moved to Mr Laskie's House Kitula on the Mpulungu Road.
An Agricultural Conference in Lunzua. Annabel Brown née Jones writes:
"The chap with the glasses in the front row was called Taylor, his wife was June and he worked with my father. My father (with white socks and long shorts) is next to the very tall man in the middle, father was H B C Jones known as Jonah. The date would be late 1956 early 1957." Photo courtesy of Annabel.
Annabel Brown writes: "on the back “Luanzua Agric Trng Centre Staff (Centre 4) and classes of 1957 & 1958 African Agric Assistants. Two messengers (old soldiers on flanks)
The Kew Gardens plant collector Mrs Mary Richards [back to camera] discusses a specimen with Desmond Vesey FitzGerald, Chief Scientific Officer IRLCS, and Agricultural Officers.