John Carlin outside The Lake Press Ltd., on the corner of Marshall Avenue and Little Poland.
"Abercorn is a humorous place"
Head compositor Benidicto Luchembwe and Martin Muhone hold up a "form" of hand set type for two page of L.yashi. In the 1950s The Lake Press occupied the Abercorn Co-Op Society's town centre building diagonally opposite what was to be the Standard Bank.
Lyashi being loaded for distribution to Kasama. The bulk of the print run was dispatched by air to Ndola for distribution by the Information Department on the Copperbelt.
The Lake Press is honoured by Lord Dalhousie. Sheelagh Carlin had a great chat with the Queen Mother both being Scots Highlanders!
The Governor Sir Evelyn Hone visits the new Lake Press. Seen chatting with john Carlin. Martin Muhone, Intertype Operator in foreground.