Not really Abercorn but a real flier. This is a Britsh sea plane that was assembled in Albertville and used to threated Kigoma during the First World War.
Official Program for the Portsmouth - Johannesburg Air Race. This is now in the Livingstone Museum having been transferred from the T.V.M.I. Abercorn. Photo courtesy Peter Jones.
Derrick Peachey's Twin engine Airspeed Envoy that crashed at Abercorn airstrip in October 1936 while competing in the Portsmouth Johannesburg air race. Photo courtesy Annie Wilson née Peachey.
Reverse of Derrick Peachey's photo of his twin engine plane showing the names of those who died. Photo courtesy Annie Wilson née Peachey. See also Images of Isanya.
This is probably Llewellyn's aircraftthat also competed in the Air Race of Oct 1936 but crashed at Mpulungu [ on Davies Farm, Mbete Bay] as he could not find Abercorn airstrip due to smoke from bush fires. See number 7. on tail fin. Peachey's aircraft was number 13.
Abercorn Airport. IRLCS spotter plane in foreground with Zambia Airways DC3 preparing for takeoff behind the fire truck. Note the IRLCS hangers. Photo Marshall Singer.