The TVMI in 2006. The Mayor of Mbala has his office here.
Photo Jackie Beare. This imposing building was constructed by Mr Jobling and completed in the early 1950s to replace the old TVMI. The Gamwell sisters made a major contribution to the building fund.
TVMI was of course the Tanganyika Victoria Memorial Institute. Old Abercorn then being in the Tanganyika District of North Eastern Rhodesia hence the "T" vehicle registration letter.
Abandoned IRLCS Building in 2006. It was apparently bought from the Organisation when it moved it HQ to Ndola by a "local politician and nothing can now be done about it".
Photo Jackie Beare.
The Old Prison Museum, Mbala. Note that the first prison that was shelled by the Germans in WWI was across the road. Photo Jackie Beare.
Lake Chila from the Yacht Club. Note the high water after a very wet rainy season in 2006. Photo by Jackie Beare who made a heroic trip in a lorry from Mbeya where she supports a school.
The Lake Chila Yacht Club in 2012 after a very wet season. It is now the Zambia Air force Officers Club.
This was the Booth (North) Store on Marshall Avenue that was managed by the indomidable Major Morton. The building has stood the passage of time very well. Photo Jackie Beare 2006.
The second Mandala Stores (ALC) House between the old stores and All Saints Church. This house was built by Mr Jobling who built the TVMI. Photo Jackie Beare 2006.