Professor J. Desmond Clark working on the Archeological excavations on the bank of the Kalambo river in the 1950s.
John Carlin explores an unknown prehistoric living floor on the Kalambo River bank in 1956. Photo taken by Professor Sir Harry Champion of the Imperial Forestry Institute, Oxford.
Cleaver found in the Kalambo River bank by John Carlin. Now in the collection of the Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution.
Hand axe found in the Kalambo River bank by John Carlin. Now in the collection of the Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution.
Well shaped hand axe found in the Kalambo River bank by John Carlin. Now in the collection of the Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution.
Small hand tools found in the Kalambo River bank by John Carlin. Now in the collection of the Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution.
Large Stone Axe found in the Kalambo River bank by John Carlin. Now in the collection of the Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution.
Bored stone of Prehistoric origin from Mbala District. These were use as weights for digging sticks or for friction fire lighters. Photo Dorothy van der Linde.
Pre-historic rock paintings from a shelter some miles east of Kasama Girls School on the Malole Road.
Curious shapes from the pre-historic rock paintings from a shelter some miles east of Kasama Girls School on the Malole Road.
Dancing figures from the pre-historic rock paintings from a shelter some miles east of Kasama Girls School on the Malole Road.